Parish Council Minutes – 18 January 2016

Minutes of the Monxton Parish Council meeting held on Monday 18th January 2016 in the Monxton Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr M Cleugh – Chairman, Cllr S Dowding – Vice Chairman, Cllr J Balding, Cllr P Parfrey, Cllr D Bateman, Richard Waterman – Parish Clerk, County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks, Members of the Public – 8
Apologies: Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few-Brown

WELCOME – The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr M Cleugh declared an interest in the Planning Application 15/02913/FULLN.

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – The Clerk reported that he had not received any request to address the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record.

15/02913/FULLN – Erection of a single dwelling and detached double garage; with associated parking, turning, landscaping, private amenity space and the creation of a new vehicular access point – Land at Corner Cottage, Amport Road, Monxton. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION in principle but commented on the height and the size of the proposed development. Cllr M Cleugh made no comment.

FOX FARM – The Chairman reported that TVBC have completed their survey. The Environment Agency investigation into the operation at Fox Farm is on-going.

THE ALPINE GROUP – Trevor Barry from the Alpine Group has been in correspondence with the Chairman. Since the original discussions of the possibility of the group getting development at Manor Farm and raising enough capital to enable a move to new premises, they have drawn a number of disappointing blanks, an incredible amount of time in pursuing this possibility as well as running up high costs. Alpine Group are not willing to invest any more money into the possibility of relocation and must focus money and efforts in keeping the company going and providing jobs and income for the many families that are employed. However Alpine Group are going to try another avenue. Meetings are organised with a couple of planning companies to see who have the best creative ideas of how many and where to best place houses on the site, once a decision had been made on who to go with we will get them to draw up a scheme that can be presented to the planning office. The Alpine Group hope to have something complete by May/June time.

TRAFFIC – Cllr S Dowding
Following a recent accident in the area of the pond it is planned to install additional bollards around the pond on Abbotts Ann Road.

Cllr S Dowding has been in contact again with Mandy Ware about the Traffic Regulation Order to reduce and extend the speed limit and has again been informed that there is a delay. There is also a delay for the village gateways.

There will be no Speed Watch carried out during January as the Police are not processing the data. It is hoped to increase the numbers of volunteers for the Speed Watch Scheme in the village to increase the amount of times the equipment can be used.

Cllr Mrs Z Brooks stated that she has requested the statistics for the HGV movements for the Co-op site.

A scheme of native planting to enhance the pond area and help soak up water is desirable. It was noted that recently the pond has had water in it, due to the clearing of drainage channels the level has been constant, hopefully putting to bed the concerns of the pond overflowing. It was noted that the water in the pond has now drained away naturally.

ENVIRONMENT – Cllr J Balding
FLOODING – Ground water levels are constantly monitored and are still low according to the readings taken in January 2016. At present there are no Flood warnings for Monxton. Southern Water are to carry out work in Monxton, CCTV footage has identified 83 repairs that are needed to the sewage system, and this work should be completed by the end of March 2016.

Mr A Drage reported that there is still a problem with surface water flooding in the High Street after rainfall due to a soakaway being blocked, this has been reported to Highways and has been a problem for over 12 months. Highways need to clear the blockage and keep it maintained.

It was noted that the water in the weir is flowing freely into the river bed.

FOOTPATHS – The broken stile at Manor Farm has been reported again (5 times now) and has still not been repaired.

SUNNYBANK – Cllr D Bateman
The problem with motorcycles and cars using the byway has got worse since the last meeting. This has been reported to the Police.

There is also a problem with the position of the recently erected road mirror, this has been reported to Highways.

FINANCE – Parish Clerk
ACCOUNTS – 1st April 2015 – 18th January 2016

Opening Balance BF              = £5,293.92
Precept                                        = £5,200.00
Police Grant                              = £1,000.00
Defibrillator Grant                 = £1,381.75

Wages                                 = £2,000.00
Insurance                              = £410.44
Play Ground Inspection           =   £65.40
Village Maintenance              = £1,395.00
Dog Bins                               =   £130.08
Speed Watch Scheme            =   £767.87
Administration                      =   £117.80
Chairman’s Expenses             =    £68.77
Defibrillator                         = £1,658.10
Rubbish Bin                          =   £452.14

= £7,065.60

BALANCE IN BANK       = £5,810.07

VAT to be Claimed £527.37

2016/2017 PRECEPT
The 2016/2017 Precept was discussed. The Parish Council all agreed to increase the precept by £500 to assist with Village Maintenance. The Monxton Parish Council Precept for the year 2016/2017 was set at £5,700.

Cllr Mrs Z Brooks reported that she has organised a meeting with all the Parishes in her Ward and Hampshire County Council Highways Officers for the 9th April 2016 at the Fairground Hall, Weyhill. Chairman and Vice Chairman will be invited and a working lunch will be provided. Cllr Mrs Z Brooks will confirm times nearer the date.

Cllr D Bateman spoke about a petition to Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to introduce an Accident and Emergency Department locally at Andover War Memorial Hospital. Andover War Memorial Hospital has a “Minor Injuries Unit” which offers next to no support for any injuries that really need immediate attention.

CLOSE OF THE MEETING – The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

16th March
18th May – AGM
20th July
21st September
16th November

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